Snowplow Bid Specification 2024-2025

The following specifications are in regards to the winter season commencing November 1, 2024 to April 15, 2025. Sealed bids are due from contractors by the scheduled East Glenville Fire District Board of Fire Commissioners meeting on October 21, 2024, no later than 7:00 pm.

Sealed bids should be delivered by the contractor to the East Glenville Fire Department with attention to Commissioner Larson in the best way possible to insure proper delivery. No guarantees are made by the fire district in regards to bid delivery. Contractors need not to be present when bids are opened and/or rewarded.

The Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to accept or refuse any or all bids.

Snow is required to be plowed after the first two (2) inches of snowfall and with each (2) inches of snow that falls after. At no times should accumulation of snow exceed two (2) inches due to the necessity of access by the responding firefighters in the event of an emergency.

All blacktop surfaces shall be cleared of snow with no exceptions, and snow shall be pushed to the back of the property towards the pavilion.

Snow shall be pushed to designated areas as directed by a representative from the fire district. The contractor shall meet with the representative and chiefs before bidding on the project to make sure there is a clear understanding where snow is to be placed. At no times will snow be allowed to be placed in front of the dumpster, in the retention ponds, near the building, at the hydrant, in front of the storage garage, in front or back of apparatus bays, by the road, piled by the entrance and exit, in any retention basin, or any place where it may become a hazard. Any snow placed in these areas will be required to be removed by the contractor immediately.

The areas in front of the bay doors must be shoveled, as well as the sidewalk to the buildings entrance. Snow piles up in these areas and cannot be removed by the plow.

Upon completion of a snowstorm, a final cleanup of the blacktop surfaces will be required by the contractor.

The bid must include a separate price for salting the lot (per application). These services will be as requested by the fire district representative, or their listed designee, as the person deems necessary.

The contractor must provide a certificate of insurance to the Board of Fire Commissioners with submission of a bid. Liability insurance must be maintained during the contract period.

All boundaries and obstacles need to be clearly marked by the contractor and any damage done to the property and/or surrounding grounds due to snowplowing or snow removal activities will be the sole responsibility of the contractor to repair.

The Board of Fire Commissioners reserves the right to discontinue the contract when any or all of the listed specifications are not performed during the contract period.

The contractor must provide an outline of total price, payments that may be required to be made, and when they are due. The contractor must also fill out any forms that may be required by the district treasurer as may be demanded by New York State law.

Any changes, modifications, additions, or alterations with these specifications are not permitted without written approval by the Board of Fire Commissioners.

How to submit a bid:

Mail your sealed bid to:

East Glenville Fire District #3
Attention: Snowplow Bid
433 Saratoga Road
Glenville, NY 12302

Your bid must be received by 7pm October 21, 2024.